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当前位置:首页 → 教育 > Facetalk-英语口语达人一对一教学兼职平台




  • 应用分类:教育
  • 应用收费:免费
  • 人气热度:4021
  • 发布时间:2024-03-12 07:06:53
  • 应用语言:"EN"
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 适用平台:IOS
  • 应用厂商:德胤 李

Introduction of appl

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为您推荐: 教育 教育

Introduction of application:

Feel bored in spare time? In Facetalk,you can teach and chat using your fragments of time to earn money whenever and wherever you want!

Feel annoyed about the price decided by the institution? In Facetalk,you have a final say to fix a price. Everything is done by yourself!

As long as your English is good, everything is great! So come and be an oral teacher in Facetalk, making friends with people all over the world as well as earning money! Isn’t it really cool! So come and join us and have a great fun!We talk,we share,we share,we have the world.

Introduction about main function:

Facetalk,developed by Hangzhou Yixi Technology Co., Ltd,it provides students with instant access to fluent English speakers through one on one video chat.On this app, teachers can make a connection with English learners and teach in a real-time way through voice and video.

This app for teacher use only, English learners have their version to call teachers.

When using this app, trainers are firstly supposed to click ‘start tutoring’, and then it is possible to receive calls from learners and teach them. If you click ‘stop tutoring’, then you are not able to receive the calls.

Here in the homepage trainers can click “my minilesson”and apply for this,then you can become minilesson teacher and teach students systematically. You’ll become popular and get more regular students.

Solve some problems when uploading pictures.




